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3 Instagram Accounts to Follow for Toddler Activities
Mornings at our house with no tv go MUCH smoother than ones with screen time. (Is tv a tantrum trigger for anyone else?) If I have an activity set up for Ford at his play table in the kitchen, he doesn’t even ask to watch a show. He plays intently while I prep breakfast and empty the dishwasher. (Don’t be mislead – there are plenty of mornings where he is watching tv so I can shower or regain my sanity!) I have been so inspired by the following accounts and think you will be too!

image via Young, Wild & Friedman
@busytoddler – Susie shares simple and inexpensive activities for young children particularly sensory bins, dot activities, and contact paper. Don’t miss her supply list! I recently stocked up and it was worth every penny! Once you have a stash, it’s easy to whip together a craft or activity.
@littleoneslearn – Molly shares art and sensory activities on her account for ages 0-6. I plan on doing this Turkey craft with Ford. Don’t miss her activity packs!
@youngwildandfriedman – Julie is a local Houston mom to 3 kids and the QUEEN of play-doh! She sells adorable kits with homemade play-doh and the cutest accessories all organized in a plastic box. Her monthly kit launches ALWAYS sell out within minutes. I subscribed to her 3 month seasonal box subscription for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas (pictured above). Julie also shares fun and easy activities for kids on her stories. Don’t miss her toy recommendations!
My Recent Activity Supply Purchases